Friday, September 19, 2008

Yep. That's what that is.

Sometimes we see amazing things. Weird things. Crazy things. And if we're lucky enough, we have a camera phone to record it. This Facebook group is dedicated to those moments when the universe drops a great big steaming pile of awesome in front of you. So please, add your incredible sightings to the group. If you don't have a camera, write it down as it happened. But remember, the only real proof comes from a picture.

Here is the link to it.

If that doesn't work, try searching for 'Yep. That's what that is.' in Facebook groups.

Let's make it huge!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bettering the human race FREE file.

Bettering the human race.

In an attempt to make the human race just a little bit easier to be around, I have created these handy cards you can pass to people. Let's face it, we need to be scolded and praised at the moment our appropriate or inappropriate actions so that we might learn from them.

The notes come in two types. You were just an asshole and You're a credit to your race (and by race, I mean the only one, the human race).

How they work:
Once you download our FREE jpg file, it's simple, when you witness someone either being an asshole or committing a random act of kindness, fill out the reason (you need to carry a pen but c'mon people, it's a small price to pay for the betterment of human kind) and hand them the card. It might be a good idea to fold it once to allow for your anonymous escape. This may be especially helpful in the case of delivering an asshole card.

An example of when to hand out an asshole card might be when someone on public transit doesn't give their seat up to an elderly person or maybe they just sneezed into their hands and, without wiping, grabbed the pole again (effectively sharing their disease with unsuspecting strangers).

An example of when to hand out a credit to your race card might be when someone drops change into a homeless persons upturned hat or simply picks up their dogs doo doo off the sidewalk.

The possibilities are endless but please use them appropriately. It's like Peter Parker's Uncle Ben always says, "With great power, comes great responsibility." Yeah, yeah, it's from a comic, but it was still written by a writer. And it just makes good sense.

Check our next post for the FREE file.

Raul Piss Productions. Bettering the human race. One moment at a time.

Monday, May 19, 2008

the bonk

for those in the know, i gotta go.